Cool Your Home Naturally With The Eco Solar Vent.
We recommend 1 eco solar vent for around 250 sq/ m of roofing. They come with a 350 mm fan size that will remove around 2806 cubic metres of air per hour.
The Eco solar comes with a thermostat set at 26 degrees so it will turn off in winter and has a full 5 years warranty.
The Eco solar vent also has the latest motors that don’t make any noise and you won’t hear any noise inside the house.
1 x Eco solar vent supplied and installed for $850.00 inc gst
Glenn 0412412101
How the Eco solar vents work. Solar ventilation fans remove the heat trapped from inside the roof. The roof cavity inside your home can heat up to around 60 Degrees in the summer months. By removing the trapped heat and replacing it with cooler air, this will help cool your home.
Eco solar vents
New No Noise motors!
Thermostat controlled at 26 degrees.
The eco solar vent comes with a 5 year warranty.
Recommend one Eco solar vent for every 250 Square metres of roofing.
240 v Power back up is also available to run throughout the night.
Call Glenn today for a free advice on
Parts & accessories ECO- vent solar 22 V
Solar panel Built in – 36 cell polycrystalline
Size 560 mm x 560 x 265 mm
Throat size 350 mm fan
Motor Brush-less DC (50000+ hour life span)
Air flow 2805 CMH (1650 CFM)
Shroud Pressed steel painted black
Warranty 5 years warranty
Optional thermostat Turns on 26 C & off 25 C